My other classes are just how I expected them to be for the most part, lectures, notes and homework. This semester in general is going to be relatively boring as far as academics are concerned. I'm taking two Geography classes, a Phys Ed Aerobic Swimming class, which it turns out we don't technically swim, a Religious Studies class, a History course, from the 1850's to present day, and last but not least, my "favorite" subject, Mathematics. None deal directly with meteorology, but the two geography classes do count towards my major. I also picked up my books yesterday, and found them to be almost half the price of last years books, so I was rather pleased.
Brennen, my roommate, and myself are running for the Social Chair position on Elliott Hall's Executive board. Apparently everyone believes we are a social pair, so we'll see how that goes. I do have some interesting ideas, and hopefully with a little bit of funding through the hall, we can pull them off and get everybody involved in having a good time this year. Some of these ideas include some kind of a "camp-out" before it gets too chilly, and we could make smores or something out back, and also some kind of a tailgating extravaganza at the football games, where we get some funds for hot dogs or people chip in and we grill out before the games. Just some ideas, I'll keep the others a secre
As a whole, Ball State is going good so far. I am meeting new people again every day, which is always interesting and fun, the food is still pretty good, and still pretty horrible, depending on the location and the day, but for the most part it is delicious. I have gotten hired on at the Tally Dining location, right across the road from me. I'm not being too optimistic about it, because the whole hiring process has been kind of fishy to say the least. The hired on a first come first serve basis, rather than experience, which i found to be ineffective for the most part. I thought I originally got hired on at the brand new Taco Bell, and found out yesterday at my orientation that I was stocking shelves and assisting in the dining room instead, which is a crock, because it isn't what I was told I was doing when I got hired. So I might be hunting another job down soon is shelf re-stocking isn't all it is cracked up to be. I will also be auditioning for a position with Cardinal Vision 57, the local BSU operated TV station, as a meteorologist. That will probably eat my remaining free time, and for some reason if that doesn't work out, I plan to audition instead for the Charlie Cardinal position whenever the invites for that come out, just because I think that would be a really exciting and interesting job. Unfortunately, the latter two auditions/jobs are unpaid, but the TV job would be good experience for a future career in broadcast meteorology.
The last thing that I really found interesting enough to go into detail about was my recent 20th birthday. So after 20 years here on Planet Earth, I have come to a few conclusions. Although you might be older, you can still act 5 years under your age to have a good time, and there's nothing wrong with that, 10 years however,

"At least we're not Detroit!................... We're not Detroit!"