If I could chose one place that strikes my mind as visually vivid, with intriguing sounds, and natural aromas that filled the air, It would be Switzerland.
In the spring of 2006, I toured Europe with the Indiana Ambassadors of Music with about 100 other musicians, choir members, and chaperones. While in Europe, we toured 7 countries and had 3 musical performances. Everyone had their favorite place they enjoyed visiting, but my choice wasn’t the popular destinations, such as London or Paris. However, my favorite place was the quiet and majestic Switzerland.
I remember vividly riding down the road in our motor coach and playing games on my PSP, when we rolled up on the Swiss Alps. I couldn’t help but stop playing to take in the scenery outside my window. There were rolling hills, behind which were breathtaking peaks capped with a snowy white glaze. Their texture looked jagged and harsh, but their figure against the bright blue sky was a sight to behold nevertheless.
I also remember stepping out of the coach and breathing in some of the freshest air I think I have ever inhaled in my life up until now. The air was so fresh and pure, you could almost taste it. It was like walking into a paradise of sorts, one which I will never forget.
I also remember hearing the sounds of the locals, some with thick accents due to the French influence, and others sounded quite normal. I also remember the sounds of the man who blew on his Alphorn. It reminded me of the Riccola commercials.
Switzerland is by far my favorite place in the world I have discovered by far. I would love to get the chance to visit it at least once more in my life.