Informant: Rebekah W.
Artifact: Rolling Stone Magazine
After closely inspecting the artifact, I can tell it is a Rolling Stone magazine with Bruce Springsteen on the cover. It is in very good shape. It is full of interesting stories and advertisements for multiple brands of food, cologne, etc. There is one coupon missing that was good for 25 free songs on Rolling Stone’s music website. It just your basic magazine. It costs $4.50 and was printed on February 5, 2009. It is issue number 1071 in the series. The title line of the magazine is “An Intimate Visit; Bruce’s Dream.” As for use in the subculture, if is most likely a piece used to strike up conversation, or to inform the reader about current events in the “Rock n’ Roll World.” It can be used to read while drinking coffee and to help make conversation between two strangers.
How do you use this object? It is used as reading material. It is the only thing the informant uses as reading material for the most part. Also, she uses it to cut out pictures and hang them on her wall.
Did you buy it or receive it as a gift? She bought it.
Does this object have any history to it, or any interesting stories tied to it? Not personally.
Can your object be used by children 12 and under? Probably, if the kid was interested enough.
Is your artifact fun for the whole family? For some of the family.
Can your object be used in more than one activity? Probably.
How can your object help you survive on a desert island? It would help to spend time, it could also help start a fire, although she would spare Springsteen’s cover page.
Where can you buy or get an artifact exactly like yours? Subscribing online, or go to a bookstore or your local Wal-Mart super center. The current issues are also online to read if you’re a tight wad.
Can you wear your object? Negative.
Is it edible? Probably, but not recommended.
METAPHOR: This magazine has so many ads, this makes the magazine as crazy as a barrel full of monkeys.
My theories for the most part were correct. Her subculture is the MT Cup in the university village. Her artifact is the Rolling Stone Magazine #1071. It could be used for multiple reasons including, but not limited to, reading, conversing, starting fires, etc. It has more ads than stories or so it seems.
The stories themselves are educational and entertaining, making it a good read. Although it may not be fun for the whole family, it can be read by more than one person, with more than one kind of personality. This object, sadly, is not very edible or wearable. I found this to be disappointing.
With the availability of this object nationwide, and even online for free, it makes this magazine very fantastic.
I like this…good job at making it informing yet funny at the same time. I really don’t have much to say.
REFLECTION: Basically, I had thought that maybe she was going to be using this artifact for a journalism type subculture. I was wrong on that assumption. This did not however affect the interviewing process. My strengths lied in my humor put towards in the interview. My weaknesses were mostly in my preconceptions.
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